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To share your group's or club’s stories with Senior Scope readers, email up to 400 words and a photo or two to

Give your group or organization some much deserved publicity.



A & O: Support Services for Older Adults - Senior Centre Without Walls (SCWW): Free Telephone Group - for Manitobans 55+ providing educational and recreational programming in a fun and interactive atmosphere. Info: 204-956-6440, Toll Free: 1-888-333-3121,, www.aosupportservices.

Beausejour - AA - Want to stop drinking? Meet Tuesdays and Fridays, 7:30-8:30 pm, at The Brokenhead River Com. Hall, 320 Veterans Lane, south door. or 1-877-942-0126

Brandon Nifty Needlers - Quilt Show, Apr. 25, (12-6 pm), Apr. 26 (10 am-4 pm), at Riverview Curling Club, 420 Maryland Ave. Brandon. Admission $5.

Brandon - Seniors For Seniors - Dinner is Served meal program, Fri. 12 noon delivery. Meals $12. Grants and donations gratefully accepted. Info: 204-571-2053.

Dauphin Multi-Purpose Senior Centre-Seniors 55+ - Cancer society Transportation Program, fee for service contact list, Erik kits. Facility available to rent. 204-638-6485,

East St. Paul 55+ Activity Centre -(262 Hoddinott) - Programs for area residents. Call for programming: 204-654-3082 (msg).

Emerson-Franklin Senior Services - Transportation, shopping, Meals on Wheels for shut-ins. For seniors with disabilities for independent living. 204-427-2869

Gimli - New Horizons 55+ Activity Centre - Gimli - New Horizons 55+ Activity Centre - We provide a pleasant place for recreation, relaxation and companionship and encourage all members to remain active and socially connected while maintaining their physical and mental health. 30+ Activities plus Social Events, Workshops, Tours, Clinics, Volunteer Opportunities, etc. Visit for monthly newsletter. Info: 204-642-7909

Ile des Chênes/Lorette - Yoga - Gentle yet invigorating drop-in yoga mornings or evenings for women and men 55+. For all shapes and sizes; no experience needed. Contact Juliette:

Interlake North Eastman - Services to Seniors programs include: transportation, friendly visiting/phone calls, Meals on Wheels, errands, etc. Volunteer opportunities avail. Arborg and District Seniors Resource Council
Ashern Living Independence for Elders
Brokenhead/Beausejour Outreach for Seniors

Victoria Beach
- East Beaches Resource Center
Eriksdale Community Resource Council
204-739-2697; Fisher Branch Seniors Resource 204-372-6861;
Gimli Seniors Resource Council
Lundar Community Resource Council
204-762-5378; Riverton & District Seniors Resource 204-378-2460;
St. Laurent Senior Resource Council
204-646-2504; Selkirk & District Senior Resource Council
Stonewall - South Interlake Seniors Resource Council

Springfield Services to Seniors
Teulon and District Seniors Resource Council

Lac du Bonnet - Two Rivers Senior Resource Council

or Whitemouth/Reynolds 204-348-4610
or Winnipeg River Resource Council 204-367-9128.

Montcalm Service to Seniors - Some services: Friendly visiting/phone calls, Mobility equipment rentals, Errands, E.R.I.K. kits and more. Renee: 1-204-758-3357 or

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba - "Steppin' Up With Confidence!" 40 minute virtual program of mindfully moving our bodies followed by breathing exercises created especially for older adults. Tuesdays, 10 am, specifically for those in Northern Manitoba. (Norman region). Madi:

Morden Services for Seniors - 306 North Railway St. Service providers - help with Home & Lawn maint., Snow removal, House clean/laun-dry, Transportation, Footcare, Computer training. 204-822-5663,

Niverville Services to Seniors - Some of our Services include: Low-cost senior's fitness, Mon. 9:30-10:30 am; Pickleball, Wed. 10-12 at Niverville Rec Complex; Free Mobility Equipment Rental (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.); Low-cost rides program; Seniors frozen meal program; and much more. Info: or 204-388-9945

Notre Dame de Lourdes/Saint-Léon /Ensemble Chez Soi - Transportation services, friendly visits/calls. Coordinator Bev Collet: 204-248-7291 or

Portage la Prairie - Herman Prior Centre - Members and non-members. Mon to Fri meal program (register by 11 am); Mon. Painting, Line Dancing, Scrabble, Resistance Band, Cribbage, Clogging and Tai Chi.; Tues. Euchre, Bridge and Prairie Wildfire Line Dancing; Wed. Cribbage and Tai Chi; Thurs. Foot Care Clinic, Whist, Weaving, Bridge and Square Dancing; Fri. Foot Care Clinic, Floor Curling and Floor Shuffleboard. Low income tax return filing assistance, regular Blood Pressure Clinics, and Stroke Survivors, Book Club, Geneology and Natural History meetings. Special events (trips to RMTC, Celebrations Dinner Theatre, etc.). Contact Hope or Chris: 204-857-6951,

Ritchot Senior Services - (serving seniors 50+ in the RM of Ritchot and Lorette) - Need people to be on our list of available drivers, friendly visitors, housekeepers etc. Call Janice: 204-883-2880 or email:

Seine River Services for Seniors (RM of La Broquerie and RM/Town of Ste-Anne) - Help and support with transportation services, companionship, homecare services. Melanie Bremaud: 204-424-5285.
Les services rivière seine pour aînés - aide et appui avec transport, compagnie, soins à domicile, maladies, deuil, logement, finances. Mélanie Brémaud : 204-424-5285.

Seine River Services for Seniors is happy to announce the launch of our new, bilingual website! Explore resources and stay up to date on the latest news within the community.

Selkirk - Betel Home (Selkirk) - Looking for volunteers for afternoons and Thur. evenings. Contact Matt Mutcheson for info: 204-482-5469 ext. 20956 or

Selkirk and District Lions Club - Looking for members. Join Lions and help our community. Allan Hoehn: 431-334-9363,

Selkirk - Gordon Howard Centre (384 Eveline St) - Hobby workshops, fitness classes, recreational pro-grams, volunteer opportunities, special events (outings, sea- sonal meals and presentations). 384 Eveline St. Info: or call 204-785-2092

Selkirk Services to Seniors - For 65+. Programs available to residents who pay taxes to the R.M. of St. Andrews, R.M. of St. Clements or to the City of Selkirk. Volunteers needed for office help, transportation drivers, handi helpers (house cleaning, yard work). 204-785-2737,

Springfield - Springfield Seniors - Stick curling, Pickleball, Indoor Walking pro-gram, Tai Chi, Badminton, Volleyball, Craft Mon-day, Bingo, Congregate Meal program. 204-444-3139,

Steinbach - Pat Porter Active Living Centre - 10 Chrysler Gate. Programs, Games, Events, Volunteer Opportunities, Outings, Meal On Wheels, Mobility Equipment, ERIK Kits to name only a few. Reception 204-320-4600 (Sonja, Program + Volunteer Coordinator) 204-320-4603,

Stonewall - South Interlake 55 Plus (si55Plus) - 374 1st St. West. Membership - $25/year. Weekly Exercise, Line Dance, Cards, Men’s Chat, Ladies’ Coffee and Craft, Pickleball, Quilter’s Corner, Book Club, Luncheons, Ukulele Club, Bus trips, and more. 204-467-2582,,

Stonewall - South Interlake Seniors Resource Council - Disability Tax Credit presented by Peter J. Manastyrsky - A Step Beyond & Associates, Mar. 6, 2-3:30 pm at 144-622 Centre Ave. 204-663-4651

Teulon Seniors Club - Teulon Seniors Club - Teulon Hall, Main St. Dances, 2nd Thur. of the month. Doors open at noon, lunch 3 pm. Silent Auction, 50/50, door prizes, coffee/tea/juice. Admission $10.

Thompson Seniors - Cribbage, crafts and more, Tuesdays, 1:30-3:30 p.m.; Food security initiative; Free iPad training; Exercise classes and more! Contact: 204-677-0987,

Victoria Beach - East Beaches Senior Scene - #3 Ateah Rd, Victoria Beach. Various programs, activities and special events open to those in the East Beaches community. For membership or volunteer opportunities, contact Tammi Kelly, Program Coordinator: 204-756-6468, email:,

West St. Paul - Seniors Programs - Yoga/Pilates; Zumba Gold 55+; Stitch 'n B**** - Knitting / Crochet Group. Info: Sunova Centre: 204-336-0294, or


Notre Dame de Lourdes/Saint-Léon /Ensemble Chez Soi - Volunteers needed. Services: transportation, friendly
visits/calls. Coordinator Bev Collet: 204-248-7291 or

Ritchot Senior Services - (serving seniors 50+ in the RM of Ritchot and Lorette) - Need people to be on our list of available drivers, friendly visitors, housekeepers etc. Call Janice: 204-883-2880 or email:

Selkirk - Betel Home (Selkirk) - Looking for volunteers for afternoons and Thur. evenings. Contact Matt Mutcheson for info: 204-482-5469 ext. 20956 or

Selkirk - Tudor House Personal Care Home - Looking for Volunteers to assist with Recreation Programs, Rose Bistro Tuck Shop, Activities, Friendly visiting. Also Nursing Volunteers/companions, Palliative Care Volunteers, Office Volunteers and grounds and gardening Volunteers are needed. Call 204-482-6601 Ext:21.

Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert (WLDA) - Volunteers needed for:
Facebook Page Administrator:
Volunteers needed for: Treasurer.
Resume to
or visit




To share your groups’ or clubs’ stories with Senior Scope readers, email up to 400 words and a photo or two to

Give your group or organization some much deserved publicity.



Royal Canadian Numismatic Association (RCNA) - Book: Dominion Decimals, Canadian Decimal Coinage from 1867 to 1907. Author Rob Turner, 2020 recipient of the J. Douglas Ferguson Award, highest award in Canadian numismatics, spent decades researching Canada's large cent series. This book is not just a reference book on coins, it's to preserve and present information not accessible to most numismatists. Cost $60 CAD. All proceeds go to RCNA. Order online through

Red River Coin & Stamp Club - Monthly Show, 2nd Sunday ea. month, 10 am-4 pm, at the Best Western Hotel, Headingley, MB, 4140 Portage Ave (W.)

Manitoba Coin Club - 204-479-9124,


U-Turn Parkinson's - presents Empowering Seniors: free speaker series on senior life management. Thursdays, Feb-Mar 2025, 10:30-11:30am at Churchill United Church, 525 Beresford Ave. Topics: wills, taxes, health, investments. For more information:

Dalnavert Museum and Visitors' Centre - Dementia-Friendly Museum Tours for people living with early to moderate symptoms of dementia and their care partners. Last Sat. of every month at 10 am. 61 Carlton St. Register:, 204-943-2835.

Friendship Force Winnipeg - an international organization which promotes peace through travel and homestays - Enjoy lunch, fellowship and interesting monthly presentations. Info: 204-452-5299,

The Retired Women Teachers' Association (RWTA) - group for retired women teachers, offering social and altruistic activities and sup-port for our membership, invites you to become a member for $10/yr. Enjoy the 1st of 4 lunch-eons, Feb. 27,11:45 am at the Masonic Centre. Cost $25 includes meal by "WOW" caterers and presentation by Sandra Bender, Education Coordinator for the Truth and Reconciliation Centre, speaking on residential school history and experiences. Contact: Cecile Alarie-Skene, at

Prairie Canada Carvers Association (PCCA) Annual Show & Competition - Fri.-Sun: Apr. 11, 12, 13, Pembina Curling Club, 1341 Pembina Hwy. Apr. 11, drop off and reg-ister your carving. Apr. 12 & 13 open to the public. Theme: Out of this World. Workshops Sat. & Sun, Garage Sale, Raffles, Cocktail Carving Auction (Sun. 2 pm). Register by Apr. 4: or contact Doug Fyfe for more info: 204-396-6409 or

The St. John’s High School - Graduating class of 1975 will be celebrating 50 years in June, 2025. If you were a teacher in this era, or if you attended for even ten minutes between 1970-75, we’d love to have you on our contact list to keep you in the loop. Please e-mail to get connected.

The Women's Canadian Club of Winnipeg -
Luncheon, Feb. 20, 12 noon at RBC Conven-tion Car. Speaker Angie Cormier, Ex. Dir. Prairie Fruit Growers Assoc. and owner of Cormier’s Berry Patch. Cost $35 incl. tax & gratuity. To register: 204-488-8750,

Pembina Active Living (PAL) 55+ -
NEW LOCATION: 933 Summerside Ave. SAVE THE DATE: Ask about the
Winter programs. Register: or 204-946-0839



St. Ignatius Church, 255 Stafford - Please note that the potential creation of a Senior’s Group is open to this parish community only. Our apologies that publishing this notice for the general public in the January issue may have caused. ~ Mgmt of Senior Scope.

A&O Support Services for Older Adults - Senior Immigrant Settlement Services. Free In-person and Virtual classes available for newcomers 55+. Register: 204-956-6440 or or in person at 200-207 Donald St., Mon-Thur, 9-4.

McNally Robinson Booksellers - Community Classroom courses on writing, storytelling, and more with a fantastic lineup of educators.

Nature Manitoba - is people sharing a passion for nature. We deliver nature-based educational programs, outdoor activities, group outings and more. for all our programs and activities or for more info.

Manitoba Genealogical Society - Unit E - 1045 St. James St. Info: - Stereo Equipment E-Waste service. Accepting items such as; Amplifiers, Speakers, Radios, Record Players, Parts, Music Instrument Amps, Test Equip, cd's, lp's etc. Call our volunteers: 204-257-7575 for free pickup or drop-off. (See website for info)




A&O Support Services for Older Adults - Powerful Tools for Caregivers - 6 wk course via Zoom. Wed’s, 6-7:30 pm, Mar. 19, 26, Apr. 2, 9, 16, 23, 2025. Register closes Mar. 17: 204- 956-6440,

A & O: Support Services for Older Adults - Senior Centre Without Walls (SCWW): Free Telephone Group - for Manitobans 55+ providing educational and recreational programming in a fun and interactive atmosphere. Info: 204-956-6440, Toll Free: 1-888-333-3121,, www.aosupportservices.

Canadian Red Cross - Free Friendly Calls Program to help address loneliness and isolation. Sign up to connect with a Red Cross volunteer. Also training provided to become a volunteer. Info: 1-833-979-9779 or

GriefShare support group - is a safe, welcoming place to help with the difficult emotions of grief if you have lost a loved one. Contact Kilcona Park Alliance Church at or go to to find a group in your area.

T.O.P.S., Take Off Pounds Sensibly - Non-profit, friendly, non-judgemental weight loss sup-port group meets Tuesdays, 6:00-7:45 pm, at Westdale School library, 6720 Betsworth Ave. Info, Susan: 204-896-4807.

St. Vital T.O.P.S. Weight Loss Support Group - T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) is a non- profit weight loss support group. Meet Mon. eve’s, 6:15-7:45 pm, St. Eugene Church (side door), 1009 St Mary’s Rd. in St. Vital. First meet-ing free. Louise: 204-990-2144,

South Winnipeg Family Information Centre - Tech for Seniors Mondays from 1:30-3. Need help with your tablet? Phone? computer? We can support and help you learn just what you want to learn. Call 204-284-9311 for more info.

Stroke Recovery Assoc. MB - Programming for Stroke Survivors: Support Groups, Art and Social Club, Virtual and In-Person Exercise, Planned Community Outings & more. Register: B-247 Provanche Blvd. 204-942-2880


Good Neighbours Active Living Centre 720 Henderson Hwy - “Love is all Around Us” dance, Fri. Feb. 14, 12:30-2:30 pm. Adm. $15. Rick Roschuk DJing & performing 50’s, 60’s, 70’s hits. Social platter & refreshments provided. Register at 204-669-1710.

Forever Young Club - ‘Heart Month’ Dance Feb. 22, 7:30-11:30 pm at Anavets Hall #283, 3584 Portage Ave. Biivvers Band, $20. Txt/call 204-261-4442 / to reserve.

The Convalescent Home of Winnipeg - TUNE-Up Café, Tuesdays, 6:15-8 pm, at 276 Hugo St. N. Meeting place for those living with memory challenges and their family/friend care partner to gather together and sing. Free to join. Wheelchair accessible. Must pre-register: Sherry,

The Senior Choral Society of Winnipeg - 533 Greenwood Place, behind CNIB on Portage. Gerda 204-669-5570

The Happy Homesteaders - Sing with our A Capella group of retired males. No experience required, training provided in barbershop style singing. Daytime concerts and practices. Perform mostly at seniors’ residences. Info, Vern:, 204-256-5562, (retired), or Harvey: 204-888-6306,

Norwood 55+ Dance Club - Dance or listen to old-time music. Musical ensemble (violin, accordion, guitar) performs Fridays, 1- 3 pm, in the Norwood-St. Boniface Legion Hall, 134 Marion St. Adm. $5 (cash). Light snack. Doors open 12 noon. Free pkg across lane. Info: Rachelle: 204-233-5892

Whirlaway Westerners - Learn Modern Square Dancing! Kirkfield-Westwood C.C., 165 Sansome Ave. All welcome. Carole 204-831-8954.


The Happy Gang - Afternoon Fun every 3rd Thur. Next gathering is Thur. Feb. 20, 1:30-3:30, Prairie Spirit U.C., 207 Thompson Drive. Conversation, cards, table games, bridge, complimentary light refreshments. Info: 204-832-1000 or 204-895-7410

Archwood 55 Plus Inc. (a non profit organization for seniors) - Monthly Bingo, Nov. 27, at Archwood Community Center, 565 Guilbault St. Doors open 11 am, games start 12 noon. Light refreshments avail for purchase.

Ladies Bowling League - Fridays, weekly, 1 pm, at Polo Park Lanes. Bowl for fun, non competitive, all levels welcome. $12.75 for 3 games/wk. Includes prize money and luncheon end of season in May 2025. Break at Christmas and on Good Friday. Rosalie: 204-770-3903

East St. Paul/Transcona Seniors’ Curling Club - looking for Men & Women, 50+, to curl in a fun league, once/twice/wk, Oct-Mar with about 70 members fr. Wpg. Play Wed. & Fri. 10 am, at East St. Paul Curling Club, 260 Hoddinott Rd. Season is 3 rounds of 7 games, and draw new teams each round. Play in 1, 2 or 3 rounds on either/both days. Contact Darryl Chody: 204-224-4016 or or

Manitoba Ladies Past Presidents' Curling Association - encourages women who have been past presidents of ladies and/or mixed curling leagues anywhere in the world to con-tinue to enjoy the friendships and camaraderie of curling. We host a 1 day Bonspiel in November and a Spring AGM & Luncheon in May. For more information and how to join, please contact Anne at or 204-226-1893.

The Pembina 55 PLUS Men’s Curling League -

Charleswood Senior Curling - Inviting curlers, all abilities, and ages, enter as individuals (not teams), we reorganize the teams each quarter to encourage social interaction, Mon’s & Fri’s, 9:30 am. No prizes or trophies, just fun and fellowship. Contact Membership chair Iris: 204-895-1124 or or visit

St. Vital Cribbage Club - Mondays, 12-3 pm, St. Emile Church, 556 St. Anne’s Rd. All welcome. Jim: 204-230-4511.

St. Vital Retired Mixed Curling Club - looking for individual players (full time or spare) for Tue’s & Thur’s, 10 am league. Contact Ernie Nuytten: or 204-803-6230

Vital Seniors - Scrabble, Mon. noon-4; Carpet Bowling, Tues. 1:30-3:30, 3 St. Vital Rd. Yearly Membership $10, activity $4.50 pp, call 204-253-0555 or

Prendergast Seniors Club (Windsor Park) - CRIB players invited to join in Mon’s and Wed’s, 906 Cottonwood Rd. and for our monthly, luncheons. Call Gerry: 204-257-1475

Red River Senior Cards St Vital - Whist: 12:30-3:30, Thursdays at Norberry-Glenlee Community Club, 26 Molgat Ave. Email: or call the Club: 204-256-6654 for info.

Contract Bridge in St. James - Group of Seniors of mixed skill looking for more players! ‘Casual’ non-competitive line of play, Tuesdays, 12:15-3 pm at Marantha Church on Sturgeon Rd. north of Ness. Info, Sharon: 204-888-9465.

Garden City Community Centre / Seven Oaks SportsPlex - 725 Kingsbury Ave. 55+ Programs: Zumba, Bocce Ball, Pickleball, Line Dancing. Program schedule:

Lady Bowlers - Fridays, 3 gms/wk, 12:45 pm at Polo Park. All ages/skill levels. $10.75/wk. 2 wk break Xmas/Easter Fri. off. Call/text 204-770-3903.

South Winnipeg Senior Slo-Pitch (SWSSP) - Closed for the season. Gil: 204-918-5308 or Doug: 204-488-8835

St. Vital Cards for Seniors - Cribbage: noon Mondays: Vera 204-894-9494. Whist: noon Wednesdays: Sonja
204-254-1408 or Mario 204-955-8387.
St. Emile Parrish hall, 556 St. Anne’s Rd.

Tuxedo Lawn Bowling Club - Learn how to Lawn Bowl and Play, Tue & Thur 10 am-noon; Wed 7-9 pm; Sun 2-4 pm. No equip. required. Introductory free play. Contact Virginia: 204-255-8828

West Kildonan Seniors Recreation Club - Looking for people to curl on Tue. and/or Thur. mornings. Novice curlers are welcome. Equipment and qualified instruction can be pro-vided. Try a game for free. Curling starts Oct. 10, but you can join for the season at very affordable rates. John: 204-582-1904 or visit

WHSBC Contract Bridge - at St. Paul's Anglican Church, 830 North Drive, Winnipeg, Thursdays, 12:30-3:30 pm. Door opens at noon. Please arrive by 12:15 pm. Five rounds, changing tables after 4 hands. This is a social friendly bridge club. For further info, contact Ron Wood, President: 204-771-6724

Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association (WMBA) with the Manitoba Association of Basketball Officials (MABO) (non-profit organi-zations) - looking for older adults to referee youth basketball games in fall and spring, usually on weekends. The WMBA is a youth basketball league which serves youth in Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Great opportunity for exercise and helping our youth understand the game of basketball. Training is provided and referees receive fees for refereeing. Phone/text Mike: 204-396-5751 for info.

Winnipeg (Blue Bombers) Football Club - Volunteers needed for Fan Ambassadors. As a team we start with a Hotdog BBQ. Duties include ticket scanning, ushering, face painting, assisting fans with their needs. Must be able to volunteer at:
- min. of 8 Blue Bomber home games
- 4 Valour home games
- 2 Investors Group Field activities
- 1 Office Administrative task

Incentives include: Blue Bomber Game day tickets, Discounts at the Blue Bombers Store, Valour Game Day tickets, prizes and Fun Fan Ambassador events.
Come out to meet others, have fun and watch the game!



A & O: Support Services for Older Adults - Programs to help you stay connected and active. Senior Centre Without Walls (SCWW): Free Telephone Group - Activities for Manitobans 55+. Call/email to inquire or to register: 204-956-6440 | Toll Free: 1-888-333-3121 |
SCWW provides educational and recreational programming in a fun and interactive atmosphere. All programming is provided over the phone.
Download the SCWW 2021 Program Guide at:

Anavets Assiniboia Unit 283 - Meat Draws, Bingo & Cribbage 3 x/wk. Dancing to live Bands Fri. nights and special events on Saturdays. Hall rentals. 204-837-6708. 3584 Portage Ave.

Archwood 55 Plus Inc. (a non profit organization for seniors) - Monthly Bingo, Nov. 27, doors open 11 am, games start at noon, at Archwood Community Center, 565 Guilbault St. 6 Cards, 20 games - $10. The progressive card of 3 - $2. Concession stand.

Assiniboia Wood Carvers Association - Woodcarving Fridays, 12:30-3 pm at Valour CC - Clifton Site, 1315 Strathcona St., off Wellington Ave. Larry: or Mel: 204-291-4592.

Brooklands Active Living Centre - 1960 William Ave. West. Bingo 1 pm Mondays; Fitness Classes. Call 204-632-8367 for more info.

Canadian Celiac Asso. of MB -

City of Winnipeg Retirees Association - Are you a City of Winnipeg employee, planning on retiring in the near future? Join your fellow retirees by joining the City of Winnipeg Retirees Association by contacting their office:

Central Corydon Community Centre Walking Group - Walk for an hour and then enjoy a sociable cup of coffee or cool drink. Walks are Mon. Sept. 16, Thur. Sept. 19, Mon. Sept. 23, Thur. Sept. 26, Mon. Sept. 30, Thur. Oct. 3, Mon. Oct. 7. Call 204-488-7000 for meeting times and places or visit

Creative Retirement Manitoba - Affordable Lifelong Learning. Online and in-person classes. Art & Music History, Bridge more!

Charleswood Active Living Centre - 5006 Roblin Blvd. Various Programs & Activities for 55+. Mon-Thur 9-4, Fri 9-3. Membership $35/yr. For info, call 204-897-5263 or email

Dakota 55+ Lazers Senior Centre - Programs: Cribbage, line dancing, floor curling, quilting, fitness, etc. Call: 204-254-1010 ext. 217. WHIST, Wednesdays, 12:30 pm, contact Bob or Fran: 204-257-3172. Jonathan Toews Centre, 1188 Dakota St.

Dufferin Senior Centre - 377 Dufferin Ave. Saturday Dinner & Dances. Call Al: 204-771-3325 for info.

Elmwood East Kildonan Active Living Centre - Various events can be found on Facebook. Call to confirm activities over summer months: 204-669-0750.

Friendship Force Winnipeg - A Friendship Force membership provides opportunities to explore new countries and cultures by bringing people together at the personal level. Dinner reservations, Elizabeth: 204-452-5299 or

Golden Rule Senior Resource Centre - (under umbrella of South Winnipeg Senior Resource Centre) - 625 Osborne St. Hours: Mon-Fri 9:45 am-3:30 pm. Drop in for Tea or Coffee during bus hrs. Some programs: Book Club, Pickleball, Games Club, Qigong, Lungtivity, Steppin’ Up with Confidence fitness, Tech Talk, floor curling, shuffleboard, carpet bowling, Conversation Café, and presentations three Wednesday afternoons each month.) Info, 204-306-1114, No membership or fee to participate. Funders: Community Recovery Fund, New Horizons Senior Programs & Winnipeg Foundation.

Lions Place Adult Day Club - Program: 1 day/week of socialization and wellness, including morning coffee/muffin, chair exercises, mentally stimulating games and discussion, recreation, and hot lunch. Transportation provided. $18.88 (or $9.81, dependent on income) per wk. Participants referred by Homecare Case Coordinator through WRHA at 204-788-8330. Or call Christine at the Club: 204-784-1229.

Meadowood Seniors Club - 1111 Dakota St. A 55+ seniors club meets Tues. 1-3 pm. Various activities, chair yoga, wood carving, quilting, For more info contact.

Mensheds Manitoba Inc. - Peer run program by men for men at Westwood Community Church, 401 Westwood Drive. Call 204-832-0629.

Men's Shed - New in Transcona, at Oxford Heights C.C., 204-224-4941.

North Centennial Seniors Assoc. - Sergeant Tommy Prince Place, 86 Sinclair, Wpg. Mon-Wed-Fri - chair, mat & Zumba gold exercise classes, hot dog days, bingo, lunches, games, painting, aquacise, lending library, health & safety presentations, travelogues, pickleball, etc. 204-582-0066,,

Over 60 Card Club - For Men, Women and Couples. Wednesdays, 1-3 pm, at St. Andrews Church, 2700 Portage Ave. We’re currently playing Whist, Euchre and Crib. Contact Carla: 204-297-0811

Pembina Active Living (PAL) 55+
NEW LOCATION: 933 Summerside Ave. or 204-946-0839

Probus Club of Winnipeg - Social group for retired and semi-retired, meets 3rd Tue. ea. month, 9:30 am, at 603 Wellington Cres. Interesting speakers and topics. Guests welcome. https://

Rainbow Resource Centre - 545 Broadway, Wpg. Over the Rainbow Peer-to-Peer Phone Line, for 2SLGBTQ+ older adults 55+. For info, email

Royal Canadian Legion, St. James Branch #4 - Over 55 Club, 1755 Portage Ave. Peter and Ruth Henry: 204-488-3533.

South Winnipeg Family Information Centre - Seniors Connecting Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30, 800 Point Rd. Lower Level). Join us for coffee snacks, great conversation, fun activities, and more, every Wednesday morning. Call 204-284-9311 for more info.

South Winnipeg Family Information Centre - Tech for Seniors Mondays from 1:30-3. Need help with your tablet? Phone? computer? We can support and help you learn just what you want to learn. Call 204-284-9311 for more info.

St. James Assiniboia 55+ Centre - Various programs and activities. 3-203 Duffield St. 204-987-8850,

St Norbert Community Centre (SNCC) - Tai Chi, Tue. Sept. 12, 10-11 am. 9 classes. Cost $25; City of Winnipeg Office of Emergency Management presentation on Emergency Pre-paredness, Thur. Oct. 12, SNCC main hall, 1-3 pm. Info at

Stroke Recovery Assoc. MB - Programming for Stroke Survivors: Support Groups, Art and Social Club, Virtual and In-Person Exercise, Planned Community Outings & more. Register: B-247 Provanche Blvd. 204-942-2880

Windsor Community Centre - $2 drop in. Call for schedule. 99 Springside Drive (St.Vital). 204-233-0648,

The Y. A. H. Club - Young At Heart (seniors) Club at Windsor Community Centre, 99 Springside Drive (St. Vital). Fall programming: Book Club, Tai Chi, painting classes, canasta, card making, yoga, puzzle afternoon, 1 day road trips, Dinner Club, flower arranging, The R.O.M.E.O's Group and more. For Fall calendar, Rosie: or Judy 204-233-0648 or



Manitoba Genealogical Society - Volunteer Opportunities: Social media poster, Online newsletter editor, Publicity person, Office cleaning, IT database wizard & more. or https://

Actionmarguerite St. Boniface, 185 Despins Street - Volunteers needed to transport residents in wheelchairs to their in-house appointments, incl. Mass. 204-235-2111,

Actionmarguerite St. Vital, 450 River Road - Volunteers needed to help Recreation staff, transport residents in wheelchairs to in-house appt’s. 204-235-2111,

Bethel Place - congregate meal program is looking for volunteers to assist in the kitchen and dining room. Lunch time and supper time shifts available. Commitment
3 hours once/wk. Must show proof of Covid 19 Vaccination. Info: Melanie Camara at

Deer Lodge Centre - 2109 Portage Ave. Volunteers needed in the gift shop 12-4, assisting with recreation programs & transporting residents to/from worship services held in the Centre. 204-831-2503 or visit

Meals on Wheels - Volunteers needed in: Downtown, Point Douglas, Seven Oaks and Transcona. Drivers receive an honorarium. 204-956-7711,

Misericordia Health Centre and Misericordia Place - Volunteers being accepted to support patient care. Training provided. Giftshop, open 10 am-4 pm. (3-hr shifts), Rehab/Physio programs shifts, 8:30-12 noon and some afternoons. 204-788-8134,,

North Centennial Seniors Assoc. - Sergeant Tommy Prince Place, 86 Sinclair, Wpg. Volunteers need for “Grandma & Grandpa Swim Program”for one-on-one pool play time with preschoolers from participating daycares. 1 hr/wk. Police check required. Enquires: 204-582-0066, M-W-F, or email

Southeast Personal Care Home - Volunteers needed at 1265 Lee Blvd - days, eve’s, wknd’s. Call 204-269-7111 Ext. 2225.

St. James-Assiniboia 55+ Centre - Kitchen Volunteers needed to help in the kitchen, and meal planning. Call Paula: 204-560-5181

Victoria Lifeline - Home Service Volunteers needed to set up equipment in client homes. Flexible shifts. Call 204-956-6773 or email

Villa Cabrini - Is currently looking for volunteers to assist with our Congregate Meal Program. Lunch and supper shifts are available with 3 hr commitments/week. Contact Samantha Silvester: for info or to volunteer.

Vista Park Lodge Personal Care Home - in St. Vital - Volunteers needed. Contact: Caitlin Liewicki:

Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert (WLDA) - Volunteers needed for:
Facebook Page Administrator:
Volunteers needed for: Treasurer.
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Seniors' and Elders' Day Celebrations


Ray St. Germain
Ray St. Germain.

Square Dancers in Manitoba
High Steppers dancers.

Drums Alive
Drums Alive led by Brenda Moberg.

Active Aging in Manitoba
ALCOA Fitness Break


Active Aging in Manitoba - Zumba







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Senior Scope
Publisher: Kelly Goodman
Phone: 204-467-9000
Box 1806 Stonewall
Manitoba, Canada
R0C 2Z0